Teachers helped a 15-year-old schoolgirl have an abortion without informing her parents, it emerged today.Staff at the school in Salford, Greater Manchester, discussed the termination with the teenager and gave her time off to have the procedure.It is understood the distraught teenager had earlier gone to a hospital where doctors confirmed she was pregnant.In line with her wishes, they didn't tell her parents but did notify the school.Her teachers made sure she was comfortable with her decision end her pregnancy and supported as she went for the termination.The law states that teachers, doctors and nurses can offer sexual advice or treatment - including an abortion - to children without telling their parents as long as the child is considered mature enough to make the decision.In the Salford case, it is believed the girl didn't want her parents to know because she was embarrassed and ashamed.She eventually told her parents, but only after the abortion had been carried out.The school, which has not been named for legal reasons, declined to comment on the case.

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